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This is an application that displays the number of days before the expected date of delivery and the number of weeks that have passed since pregnancy.
Your baby on the screen grows larger as the number of weeks increases.
Communication with your baby
You can look at the baby floating inside the bubble which is surrounded by light.
Your baby and the bubble moves when you touch the screen.

Display switch
The number of days and the number of weeks change automatically after a while. You can also change it manually by touching the screen.

Simple function
Just enter the expected date of delivery
(The size is different from the actual baby. This is only an impression.
Early babies are so small that they cannot be seen, and babies just before birth are much larger.)

Ratings and Reviews
I like the app however it will be great if it had screen saver and lock saver -
I’m not pregnant, but I really just love to set the date for nine months, and over that time watch the “baby” grow. It might sound weird but I really enjoy it. -
Really Cool!
It tells you how many day to go, when your due, how many days over due, and what size the baby is. To put in your due date hit settings, it took me awhile to figure that out! Enjoy ❤️😘💋👌👼