Digital Gene

World Flags Quiz
World Flags Quiz

World Flags Quiz

Quiz game of world flags

  • App Store
  • Google Play Store
  • Amazon AppStore



App Store (iPad) Japan
Trivia (game)
(October 2014)
Google Play Store Japan
Education (game)
(October 2014)

Over 900K Downloads!!

Enjoy Learning

This educational game invites you to memorize the flags of the world in a fun and intuitive fashion. Quizzes challenge you to select the right flag from among four choices.

Keep playing to improve your best time -- as you climb the world leaderboards, your skills will keep growing!

Clear milestones to collect photo panels and complete the full collection!

Various modes can be chosen

If you feel you're not ready to memorize all the flags of the world at once, Quick Mode has been specially prepared for you: in this mode, 20 major countries are selected at random. Maybe you want to drill down and practice a certain area, like Africa or Europe? Area Mode is the answer. Finally, Selection Mode challenges you to distinguish between similar flags, such as tricolor flags or ones with three colors on their left side.


View Mode

View Mode also lets you study and memorize all the flags of the world -- you're sure to find ones you haven't picked up yet.


Collect reward panels

You can get various picture panels by satisfying certain conditions when playing.
You can see the list of panels acquired in [Collection], so please do your best to complete it.


Icon production
